Traffic Attrition Reports

Discover how much organic traffic you are missing out on based on the type of search query

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Who will benefit from this reports and how?

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Business Owners

Get a quick, top-level view of your site’s performance in Google.
Learn how much organic traffic your site is missing due to declining rankings, or learn that you are doing everything correctly and can sleep peacefully.

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Make plans for your assets based on algorithms that adapt to each site individually and highlight only the most important ones.
Identify your strategy’s weaknesses and change course on time by selecting the most promising topics and queries for you.

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SEO Professionals

Improve forecast transparency and the effectiveness of SEO recommendations with a simple and comprehensive dive into client sites using Buddler insights.
Receive ready-made collections of challenging queries for your sites in a single click rather than manually collecting and processing large amounts of data.

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Digital Agencies

Quickly assess the capabilities of sites when preparing a commercial offer at the stage of selling your SEO services.
Delegate your complex analytics to Buddler and get insights without wasting the team’s time on research with unpredictable results.

What’s inside the report?

The report’s data is divided into segments that will require a different processing approach and deliver unique insights

High-volume declined keywords

Queries that previously ranked higher and delivered regular traffic have recently lost positions and provide less organic traffic than before

Lost keywords

Queries that previously ranked higher than now and provided traffic on a regular basis but now don’t bring any traffic at all

Unstable keywords

Queries that are unstable while generating traffic, such as seasonal queries, but which have taken higher rankings than now

Traffic Opportunity Metrics

These metrics/ key insights will help you understand the potential traffic opportunities for your website. They are available without charge when you initiate a site audit. The Queries in this report metric shows the report volume, which measures the number of queries impacted by a certain issue. Missed Traffic is a metric that can help to determine how much traffic you aren’t receiving but can gain by focusing on the queries from the report.

Do you want to see your website’s Traffic Opportunity Metrics?

What and how does Buddler perform in such a way that you gain insights without putting any effort or wasting your time?

We evaluate searches conducted on Google for which your site was displayed in Google Search Console for the entire timeframe

We complete the data in each period, which GSC only presents on charts in the interface so that we can trace the entire history for each query

We determine when the site had the best positions for each query, and then we calculate the degree of performance decline in the current timeframe

We calculate the volume of lost traffic for every query that previously brought more than it now does

For your convenience, we display data in logical groups: High-volume declined keywords, Lost keywords, Unstable keywords

We count metrics-key insights for each group

We create a simple and understandable table for each group

Tasks and cases that Traffic Attriction Reports may solve

Nothing has changed in my project at first glance; there are the same number of queries in the search results, the average position is the same, no work has been done on the site, but there is less organic traffic

The report will show you problematic queries that previously had a better position than in the current period and the issues that caused you to lose organic traffic. You will be able to determine when each query began to lose position and draw conclusions about the reasons for the decrease.

On my site, overall positions are declining; we are monitoring the set of queries in the service, but there is no correlation between the declining positions and traffic

The report will show how much the position of each queries has changed concerning the organic traffic coming from it in the current month and the best month, allowing you to see which queries are losing the most traffic due to a decrease and which ones make sense to return first.

My rankings and traffic constantly fluctuate, making it difficult to assess the effectiveness of my SEO

Suppose your target semantics appear in one of these reports. In that case, the site’s effectiveness is decreasing due to a lack of control over positions, a shift in the focus of SEO work/actions, or a lack of support for queries in the context of Google’s search dynamics. You should take steps to reclaim your positions. In each report, you’ll see how much of your current traffic volume you’re not getting each month due to a decrease in the results of your site queries.

My site began to lose organic traffic, and how many queries started to bring in less is unclear

The report will determine which semantics on your site could be more problematic. You can see which queries have declined in organic traffic and select the most promising ones for development based on data on lost traffic for each query.

I’m seeing the project for the first time and want to assess its issues and traffic opportunities without devoting too much time.

The report will show the total volume of traffic that can be received by regaining fallen positions, allowing you to quickly assess the resource’s capabilities during current impressions and see which part of the working semantics currently has problems with positions and the most significant prospects for growth.

We added numerous pages to the site and implemented multiple recommendations. Our rankings are even improving in specific categories, but in terms of traffic, we are standing still

Keeping track of a site’s semantics can be difficult and expensive, especially if the site is large. You may have spent time expanding semantics and creating new pages, but you might have stopped maintaining existing pages. Some of your semantics may rise while others may fall, wasting time and resources while stagnating in results. The report will categorize your problematic semantics and provide you with non-obvious insights into the quality of your semantics and lost traffic.

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