Easy to Rank Keywords report

Find out which keywords you can use to quickly and easily get traffic
by increasing your key relevance

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How to benefit from these reports?

  1. Find out how much organic traffic you can acquire fast and affordably for free.
  2. Find the most promising Easy to Rank Keywords to add to your website’s pages.
  3. Add keywords in the text and tags of relevant pages. Don’t forget about providing value. Make sure that the wording addresses to the intent of these queries.
  4. Gain organic traffic from Google for missing keywords.

What’s inside the report?

Traffic Opportunity Metrics

Queries that previously ranked higher and delivered regular traffic have recently lost positions and provide less organic traffic than before

Traffic Opportunity Metrics

Queries that previously ranked higher and delivered regular traffic have recently lost positions and provide less organic traffic than before

Do you want to see your website’s Traffic Opportunity Metrics?

​​How does Buddler function to effortlessly deliver valuable insights without requiring any additional effort or time investment on your part?

We compile a list of  consistently relevant queries paired with the pages extracted from GSC for the most recent 30 days. This process involves identifying the pages that Google deems the most relevant among all those receiving traffic.

We undertake initial preparations for data collection, which contain tasks like verifying the accessibility of each relevant page and evaluating the content’s similarity to Google’s standards. Additionally, we determine the language used in both the page content and the query itself.

We collect the content from your site’s relevant pages, segment it into distinct text zones, and bring it to a normalized form, forming our own index for each page similar to Google.

We compare the query with the content of relevant pages in an accurate and normalized form by text zones separately,  calculate how optimized this or that page is for the query for which it is shown in Google, how promising it is for improvement, and how much traffic it can bring.

We delve into each group of pages to determine if any are adequately optimized for the given query. Suppose none of the relevant pages meet the required optimization standards. In that case, we compile these queries into a table, ranking them based on their potential for further development compared to other queries lacking sufficient optimization.

We measure key insights for problematic promising keywords

We create a simple and understandable table

Tasks and cases that Traffic Attrition Reports may solve

They suggest expanding the semantic content and generating new pages, but I’m interested in exploring if there’s potential to optimize the existing queries and current pages further.

Incorporating entirely new queries into the existing semantic framework and crafting dedicated pages for them can indeed yield significant traffic gains when executed effectively. We’ll delve into the intricacies of this strategy in more depth on our blog.

Incorporating entirely new queries into the existing semantic framework and crafting dedicated pages for them can indeed yield significant traffic gains when executed effectively. We’ll delve into the intricacies of this strategy in more depth on our blog.

I have an extensive amount of semantic content on my website, and managing it effectively has become quite challenging. The queries for which I actively monitor positions represent only a small portion of the project’s actual semantic landscape. I believe that I might be overlooking numerous queries, resulting in potential traffic loss.

The report helps you identify missed semantics, highlighting queries from GSC that you’re already ranked for in Google but lack sufficient textual relevance. With this report, you can choose queries to integrate into your ongoing semantic efforts and adjust your pages to cover a broader range of topics.

Work is constantly underway on the site, and I spend a considerable amount of money on the work of SEO specialists. Still, I don’t understand whether they are doing the right thing and optimally using the funds that must be invested in the project

Easy to Rank Keywords Report will allow you to assess the effectiveness of text optimization of your website quickly. The KeyRel metric will show in percentage terms how much of your site’s semantics is used ineffectively or not used at all and how much traffic you are currently missing out on because of this.

You are making progress and breathing easy if the report is empty and the metric shows a high textual match between the requests and the pages. This doesn’t mean that you can stop working on the website and put SEO out of your mind. This means you can feel at ease regarding this block of work and the people in charge.

A PR campaign is running on the site, and I’m keen to sense which queries and landing pages my site effectively encompasses custom-designed for this campaign.

You will be shown exactly the problematic promising queries in the initial version of the service’s Reports. These reports reveal how users are currently discovering your website on Google. You’ll gain a comprehensive view of the queries they employ and the specific pages they land on when visiting your site. This information helps you understand your audience better, their intent and level of interest in your content, and your reach.

The site has many pages, and semantics constantly flow from page to page. I want to understand which queries have this problem and how it affects traffic.

In the reports, queries are presented with GSC links, where you can see all the pages the request leads to and how the traffic is distributed between them. The reports will include queries with low text optimization, regardless of how many pages they lead to. You will see them all and be able to conclude the reasons for the steady distribution or obvious imbalance in traffic across pages. Then, you can decide which page is more suitable for you and will be your target page, and which pages need improvement: optimize further, de-optimize, redirect somewhere, delete, or close from indexing.

My website features a blend of semantics, including stable, seasonal, and news-related content. We allocate considerable time to ensure this semantic content’s ongoing relevance and search for new queries for site publications. I’m interested in minimizing the associated costs while maintaining this essential element of relevance.

These reports won’t gather entirely new semantics for you, especially those for which you have no existing content. Instead, they focus on helping you maintain the relevance of your current semantics. They do this by analyzing the content you already have on your site and how users discover your site on Google.

You don’t have to waste time searching for reliably relevant topic queries when you use Easy to Rank Keywords Report. The reports will include queries you do not notice and do not optimize your pages for, but they have had impressions for the last 30 days and you are already showing up in Google for them. You don’t have to sort through all your semantics by hand to find these queries. The report will show them to you in the order of potential for development and how much traffic you can get for each query. Updating semantics will be an easy and quick task for you 🙂

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