Buddler can help you with:

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Collecting traffic that is right under your nose

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Recovering the traffic you previously had but may have lost

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Identifying growth opportunities that generate the highest results at the lowest cost

How do we
reach that?

With years of extensive experience in SEO, we have developed algorithms that consider the analyzed website’s unique characteristics.

Our algorithms enable us to generate data for various timeframes and quickly analyze and curate the most beneficial insights specific to your needs using Google Search Console (GSC) as our primary source.

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We rely on the following principles while developing Buddler:

Buddler does not analyze your website by hundreds of formal metrics

Buddler differs from traditional technical audits that provide data on metrics such as description length, XML sitemaps, 404 errors, and layout issues. Most of these errors are purely cosmetic, so the changes do not significantly improve the website’s overall quality.
Some of technical audits specialize in overwhelming clients with many formal requirements. This approach creates a sense of fear or urgency, implying that clients’ websites or businesses are unhealthy and underexamined.
Buddler has nothing in common with this approach.

Only practical
traffic-growth recommendations.

Tailored to your website. 

What works for one website may harm another one. In general, traditional “bullshit audits” suggest millions of metrics and data instead of recommendations, and leave it up to the users to draw own conclusions.
However, individual recommendations based on typical human analytics are costly, time-consuming, and only rarely considered or used. This is where Buddler’s algorithms are ready to help.

Usefulness over Perfection: no need to waste your time and energy to create
an “ideal” website

It’s commonly believed that SEO can’t guarantee success as it depends on techniques that might or might not deliver results.
Furthermore, while there can be instances of success, the return on investment often remains modest in comparison to the resources allocated.
Therefore, projects can become trapped in a cycle where they put in 80% of the effort but only receive 20% of the desired results, fearing that they will lose even that 20% if they don’t follow through.
Turn the Pareto principle in your favor with the help of Buddler! Our algorithms analyze your data and offers the top 20% of recommendations to spare you from unnecessary work and avoid excessive spending.

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Why choose Buddler over Google Search
Console’s free insights

GSC Performance reportBuddler
Number of rawsup to 1000unlimited
paid version
Data storage
16 monthsunlimited
even if the data has been deleted from GSC, it is stored
in Buddler’s database and used for reports
Reportsall data and metricsonly essential and filtered data
indicating areas in need of improvement
Data Sourceonly GSCa comparison of data from GSC
and other sources

Take action now and pick the low-hanging fruits with our reports!


Prevent traffic loss by conducting in-depth analysis

  • High-volume declined keywords

    Identify queries experiencing a decline in search rankings and implement strategies to regain visibility.

  • Lost Keywords

    View queries that once drove traffic but no longer do. It is more than just a data point; it is a major issue and a chance to recover lost traffic caused by minor technical issues.

  • Unstable keywords

    Keep an eye out for queries that experience frequent ranking fluctuations and adjust your SEO strategy to keep stable positions.

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Boost performance by addressing low-text optimization queries

  1. Identify queries with poor optimization

  2. Optimize content with relevant keywords

  3. Enhance meta tags and headings

  4. Enjoy the growth!

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We are in the process of developing additional features for a non-technical SEO audit.

You can gain insights to grow your traffic quickly and easily from Google.

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