
Alerts in the My Projects section

These alerts are associated with your sites. They indicate restrictions on how audits can be performed.

1. A new audit launch will be available at…

Google Search Console processes data for various resources at varying speeds. You may observe minimal or no changes if you conduct multiple audits on the same resource within a single day. Therefore, the audit can be launched no more than once a day.

The timer is updated at 00:00 UTC-5. Your interface will display the time by time zone based on your location. Note: If you use a VPN, your time zone may not be detected correctly.

2. Something went wrong.
Please restart the audit.

This alert is displayed if the audit compilation failed and you did not receive a preview of the completed audit. In case of a build error, the site is not subject to the limit of building an audit once per day; you can restart the audit until it compiles successfully.

3. You no longer have access to this project in GSC. You only have access to the history of previously performed audits.

This alert on a project preview appears when the administrator of that site revokes access to the GSC for your account. In this case, Buddler will no longer be able to retrieve data from the GSC for this site, and a new audit cannot be started.

However, if audits have been conducted for the site, they will be saved. Without any previous audits for the site, the project preview will no longer appear in “My Projects” once access is revoked.

If you encounter this alert, please get in touch with your site administrator. Regaining access to the site in Google Search Console (GSC) will result in the project preview being displayed again in “My Projects” without the alert. Subsequently, you can perform an audit on that site once more.

4. Annual click limit exceeded. The maximum allowed clicks per year is 1 million in this product version. 

At the beta testing stage, Buddler operates with certain restrictions on the minimum and maximum size of sites. The standard audit parameters are tailored for sites with no more than 1 million clicks per year. Auditing larger sites with the standard parameters is not feasible.

If you require audits for large sites, we offer the option to customize the audit parameters to meet your specific needs. Please contact our customer service team to discuss special terms and conditions.

5. Insufficient GSC data for audit

Insufficient GSC data for audit. At least 10,000 clicks per year in GSC

During the beta testing phase, Buddler operates with certain restrictions on the minimum and maximum size of sites. The standard audit parameters are tailored for sites with a minimum of 10,000 clicks per year. Running an audit with the standard parameters is not available for smaller sites.

We can customize the audit parameters to meet your specific needs if you need to perform audits for smaller sites. Please contact our customer service team to discuss special terms and conditions.

Alerts for Easy to Rank Keywords Report

These alerts are displayed in the completed audit preview and indicate why the Easy to Rank Keywords Report failed to build.

1. Non-English website — query relevance audit is not available

We only analyze textual relevance for English-language sites and pages in the current version. Consequently, if you audit a site in a language other than English, the completed audit will not include the Easy to Rank Keywords Report. The audit for such a site will consist only of Traffic Attrition Reports, the assembly of which does not depend on the language.

In the future, we plan to add support for the Easy to Rank Keywords Report in languages other than English and hieroglyphics.

2. The homepage is not available. It is not possible to audit the relevance of queries

To assess textual relevance, our algorithms analyze the textual content on your website during the audit process. The Easy to Rank Keywords Report initiates with an audit of the site’s main page. In cases where an audit is conducted on a site, and its main page is unavailable at that moment, the analysis of textual relevance becomes impossible. Consequently, the completed audit will include only Traffic Attrition Reports.

If this alert occurs, ensure that the homepage is available again, and then initiate a new audit within the next 24 hours.

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